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Agriculture Department To Host Information Session About Farm Stress Project

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The Virgin Islands Department of Agriculture (VIDA), in partnership with the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture and the Southern Ag Exchange SNetwork (SAgE) is launching the Farm Stress Assistance Program, a US Virgin Islands’ specific farm stress reduction program. VIDA and SAgE-VI are hosting an informational community session on September 6th at 5:30 pm to discuss the project with farmers and the community, gather feedback about the program, and answer questions. This information session will be held at the Rudolph Shulterbrandt Agricultural Complex on St. Croix, near the VIDA's Marketing Building under the Green and White tent.

A similar seminar is being scheduled for the St. Thomas/ St. John farming community and will be announced in the near future.

Stress is a challenge for all of us. Agriculture is hard work and farmers experience stress at high rates. Without assistance, stress can become overwhelming. To address the distinct stressors farmers experience, VIDA and SAgE-VI are launching the Farm Stress Assistance Program. The program has 3 phases: an assessment of farmers' needs; wellness training for farming communities; and a direct assistance program for farmers.

Direct assistance will launch in 2024 and will include opportunities for financial and wellness resources for farmers across the US Virgin Islands, including St. John, St. Thomas, and St. Croix. VIDA's Farm Stress Assistance Program is part of a national initiative to respond to high stress in farm work in association with regional farm stress programs coordinated by the Southern Ag Exchange Network (SAgE).

Please join us on September 6th to learn more. Contact SAgE-VI with questions at and visit SAgE-VI’s program page on VIDA’s website at