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WTJX NEWSFEED: February 27, 2025

Photo credit: Virgin Islands Legislature
Photo credit: Virgin Islands Legislature

On today's WTJX Radio NewsFeed, VIPD announces a territory-wide gun buyback program, where residents can turn in firearms and receive cash compensation – no questions asked. We speak with Senators Franklin Johnson and Dwayne DeGraff about how the program could reduce gun violence in the territory. We get an update from our chief reporter on the 6th day of testimony in the trial of Darin Richardson, the former chief operating officer of the Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority. And after surveying local non-profits, the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands shares how the Trump Administration's federal funding freeze could impact the territory's non-profit sector. Listen to these stories and more.

Isabelle Teare is a new member of the WTJX team. She is a recent graduate of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, where she specialized in radio broadcast and audio storytelling. Raised on the island of St. Thomas since the age of seven, Isabelle attended and graduated from Antilles School before moving to Washington, D.C. where she earned her bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University in Justice and Peace Studies. Originally planning on pursuing a career in the law, Isabelle worked as a paralegal on St. Thomas for several years before making the decision to pursue her passion for storytelling.
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