Town hall meetings on crime to include participation by VIPD and attorney general in addition to DOH and DLCA.
St. Croix resident sues Hotel on the Cay for negligence allegedly linked to contaminated water after minor daughter hospitalized with meningitis.
MCN Build to increase dust mitigation while constructing new Arthur A. Richards school by wetting road more often in response to pleas from neighbors affected by dust.
High school students observe civics in action during special naturalization ceremony featuring exchange of flags in recognition of Transfer Day.
Virgin Islands government rejects claim as “unfounded and without merit” that termination of ex-Finance employee violated Whistleblower’s Protection Act.
Former Finance staffer claims Commissioner McCurdy retaliated after she reported him to the governorLucy Nuñez files Superior Court complaint alleging Finance Commissioner Kevin McCurdy retaliated against her in violation of VI Whistleblower’s Protection Act.
Dorchester Insurance files Superior Court complaint seeking judgment confirming it has no duty to defend Warren Mosler in lawsuit after denying aircraft accident claim.
Vernice Gumbs asks Virgin Islands Superior Court to restore her as executive director of VI Taxicab Commission in complaint claiming lack of quorum to terminate her.
VI Supreme Court upholds Bernard Cuffy’s right to clear access road to his Estate Clairmont propertyVirgin Islands Supreme Court affirms trial court’s decision to dismiss trespass claim filed by neighbors and allow Bernard Cuffy to use right-of-way to his property.
U.S. magistrate judge recommends District Court grant PFA’s motion to dismiss firm’s lawsuit in partU.S. magistrate judge recommends District Court grant VI Public Finance Authority’s motion to dismiss global project and construction management firm’s lawsuit in part.